THE SEND exists to mobilize and activate a generation into their missional and evangelistic calling.
It was born out of the prayer movement of The Call. After a catalytic gathering called Azusa Now, a collaboration of leaders came together to found THE SEND. Those leaders were Andy Byrd (Youth With A Mission), Brian Brennt (Circuit Riders), Daniel Kolenda (Christ For All Nations), Michael Koulianos (Jesus Image), Teo Hayashi (Dunamis Movement), Todd White (Lifestyle Christianity) and Lou Engle (The Call).
The vision was for a gathering where success was not the number gathered but the number activated to reach one of five key mission fields:
- (1) Nations
- (2) Universities
- (3) High Schools
- (4) Vulnerable Children
- (5) Local Communities.
From the first gathering at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida it was clear this was not an event but a movement. A generation was ready to move from inspiration to action. Over the last years THE SEND has filled stadiums and arenas in Kansas City, Brazil and Norway and tens of thousands of people have committed to take missional action is the result.
In Finland, our journey began in 2022 with THE SEND Norway in Oslo. We realized that we had both momentum and opportunity for a grassroots movement of missions and evangelism in our country as well.
Pretty soon we discovered that in 2025 the 27th Pentecostal World Conference, Go&Make, was taking place in Helsinki. To us, this was a match made in Heaven. After extensive discussions and lots of prayer we were convinced that partnership was the way God had prepared for us. Together, we are stronger in fulfilling Jesus’ mandate to reach all nations, languages, and tribes in our time.
Take a look at the global impact of THE SEND so far:
The Send’s Statement of Purpose and Faith
The Send is a collaborative, global coalition of Jesus followers, dedicated to the fulfillment of the great commission. We are centered on the Gospel, equipping then sending a global force of messengers to relationally deliver the Gospel message to every person in the world – this is the sound of “GO.”
- We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God’s son;
- That people are created in God’s image;
- That He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ;
- That although all people have sinned and come short of God’s glory, God has made salvation possible through the death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ;
- That repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God’s initiative of grace towards us;
- That God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth;
- And that the Holy Spirit’s power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ’s last commandment to go into all the world.
These statements signify our belief and what we stand for. We work through the power of unity with those who share these beliefs and with the global Church to remain solely focused on ensuring the world knows Jesus.
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” – Romans 10:14 (NLT)